
British Irish Chamber of Commerce
John Reid, Managing Partner of O’Rourke Reid Law Firm recently attended the launch of the British Irish Chamber of Commerce (BICC) in Dublin.
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European Insurance Forum 2011
John Reid, Managing Partner, recently attended the European Insurance Forum 2011 held in Dublin.
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Local Insurance Industry Seminar
O’Rourke Reid Law Firm hosted a seminar for the local insurance industry at their offices at 17-19 York Place, Leeds on 19 May.
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Data Protection Guidelines for Charity and Voluntary Sector
Following its audit of a number of charitable organisations, the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner has published guidelines to assist charities’ compliance with their obligations under the Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003 (‘the Acts’).
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The Multi Unit Developments Act and CRO Forms
Since 1st April 2011, the Multi Unit Developments Act 2011 (‘the Act’) has been in full force.
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Floating Charges and Priorities
On 25 March 2011 the High Court made its first written judgment on the construction of the Section 285(7) of the Companies Act 1963 and the priority of debts in a winding up.
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Building Blocks
O’Rourke Reid Law Firm appreciate the difficulties facing aspiring entrepreneurs. Our experience has shown that start-up enterprises need quality legal advice at a cost that represents value for money.
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New Arbitration Act 2010
The new Arbitration Act came into force on 8 June 2010 and applies to all arbitrations commenced after that date.
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Forum With The ADBN Women's Branch
On Wednesday 24th November, O'Rourke Reid Law Firm and the Asian Business Development Network (ADBN) Women's branch welcomed women from across the Yorkshire region to O'Rourke Reid's offices in Leeds to join a discussion forum dealing with various aspects of Asian women in business.
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The Rent Review Arbitration Code 2010
With the global recession at its height and domestic spending at an all time low, many of the country’s retailers have suffered hugely difficult trading positions over the past two years.
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Judgment limits scope for claims
In the recent High Court decision of Carey and Others v Minister for Finance, Ms. Justice Irvine held that the likelihood of suffering an infection from blood borne diseases following an assault was as remote as the risk of ‘being struck by an Asteroid
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Construction Contracts Bill 2010
In May 2010, Independent Senator Fergal Quinn introduced the Construction Contracts Bill 2010 to Seanad Eireann as a Private Members Bill
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Corporate Recovery - Sunday Business Post 26 September 2010
Recessions come and go, but even the prospect of eventual recovery cannot offer solace to companies facing insolvency. – Sunday Business Post 26 September 2010
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Commercial Property Forum
O'Rourke Reid Law Firm hosted a Commercial Property Forum on Thursday 3rd June 2010 at its office at 17-19 York Place, Leeds. O'Rourke Reid were honoured to have guest speaker, Peter Bill, who kindly travelled up from London to share his wealth of knowledge and experience of the Commercial Property world.
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Data Protection Update (June 2010) – Mandatory Reporting of Data Breaches
by Robert Haniver

Irish data controllers are not specifically compelled by law to report the loss or improper disclosure of personal information of the public to either the Data Protection Commissioner ('the Commissioner') or the affected data subject(s).
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Europe Watch
by Helen H. Whelan

A short round-up of EU News
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Data Transfers
by Robert Haniver

Irish Data Controllers (‘Controllers’) transferring personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) must establish whether the ‘third country’ destination has adequate safeguards to protect the privacy and fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual to whom the personal data relates (the 'data subject').
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Pensions Insolvency Payment Scheme 2010
by Robert Haniver

Many defined benefit pension schemes in Ireland are experiencing serious funding difficulties have insufficient resources to meet their liabilities and are unable to provide for their members.
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Sweeping Investigations of European Consumer Websites
by Robert Haniver

Many Irish consumers turn to the Internet when looking for the best deals for goods and services.
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Quality Street
by Noelle McDonald

What are the benefits of having a risk management strategy? – Law Society Gazette January/February 2010
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Ban on Upward Only Rent Reviews
by Bernie Coleman

The Minister for Justice signed Section 132 of the Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act into law on 1st December 2009
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The Law in relation to Display Screen Equipment (VDUs)
The main legislation providing for the health and safety of people in the workplace is the Safety, Health and Work Act 2005 (‘The Act’).
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Multi Units Developments Bill 2009
by Angela McHugh, Solicitor, Commercial Property

At present the Houses of the Oireachtas are debating the Multi Unit Developments Bill.
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Rent Review Clauses
The Government has recently taken steps to introduce legislation banning the practice of upward only rent review clauses.
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Recession: Risk or Opportunity
A few years ago, it was difficult to get a crowd in for a breakfast meeting - Business Plus June 2009
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Co-operation Ireland
On 9th June 2005, a Gala Reception and Dinner was held at Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London.
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